Fiscal Policy and Financial Position Filter by Research Areas CARES Act Aid Debt and Long-Term Obligations Fiscal Federalism Intergovernmental Aid Fiscal Policy and Financial Positions Government Finance Research Public Pensions Research Report An Examination of Illinois’ Pension Intercept Law, by Amanda Kass and Andrew Crosby Beyond Competition and Consolidation in Urban America, by Jered Carr and Michael Siciliano Can A State Bank be a Useful Economic Development Tool?, by Robert Chirinko Funding Source The Joyce Foundation City Budgets in an Era of Increased Uncertainty, by Michael Pagano and Christopher Hoene Credit Rating and Geography: Examining the Timeliness of Municipal Bond Audits Principal Investigator Carroll, Deborah A. Funding Source Government Finance Research Center & Merritt Research Services, an Investortools Company How Many Illinois Public Safety Pension Funds Risk Running Out Of Assets?, by Amanda Kass How States Provide Cities with General Revenue, by Amanda Kass, Michael Pagano, and Farhad Kaab Omeyr Funding Source The Lincoln Institute How the 2018 Elections Reshaped State and Local Governments’ Fiscal Policy Space, by Michael Pagano and Nathan Arnosti Linking Resources To Government Services, by Rebecca Hendrick Public vs. Private Auditors, Big vs. Little Issuers: What’s Influencing the Timeliness of Municipal Bond Audits, by Deborah A. Carroll and Richard A. Ciccarone Principal Investigator Carroll, Deborah A. Funding Source Government Finance Research Center & Merritt Research Services, an Investortools Company Slow To Spend? State Approaches To Allocating Federal Coronavirus Relief Funds, by Amanda Kass and Isabella Romano State Infrastructure Program as a Countercyclical Tool, by Yonghong Wu Funding Source The Joyce Foundation Strengthening Local Government Finances: State and Federal Aid Policies for a Crisis Era, by Amanda Kass, Philip Rocco, and Isabella Romano Funding Source The Joyce Foundation The Contemporary Fiscal Situation Of Cities, by Yonghong Wu, Shu Wang, and Michael Pagano Uncertainty, Risks, and Budgets in the Age of Coronavirus, by Michael Pagano and Christiana McFarland