Josh Drucker
Associate Professor, Urban Planning and Policy
Department of Urban Planning and Policy
Building & Room:
221 CUPPA Hall, MC 348
412 South Peoria St., Suite 215
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Joshua Drucker is an Associate Professor in the Urban Planning and Policy Department in the College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His research interests center around processes of regional economic development and transformation. Recent projects include examining the role of industrial competition within regional economies, analyzing the contributions of anchor institutions to economic performance and resilience, and investigating innovation districts as an urban economic development strategy. Drucker has worked as an economic development consultant and researcher for the Technology Partnership Practice of the Battelle Memorial Institute, the North Carolina Department of Commerce, and the Southern Growth Policies Board.
Selected Publications
Craft, A., J. Drucker, and R. Weber. 2018. “Variation in the heartland: Explaining the adoption of economic development incentives in three Midwestern states”. Manuscript currently in review.
Drucker, J., R. Funderburg, D. Merriman, and R. Weber. 2018. The Use of Business Property Tax Incentives in Cook County, Illinois. Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of Illinois. Available at: https://igpa.uillinois.edu/report/Business-Taxation.
Drucker, J., R. Weber, G. Kim. 2018. “The impacts of economic development incentives in the Midwest”. Manuscript.